It is cruel to keep animals in cages? Yes I believe it is.
Animals are kept in cages for one reason, to keep them from going anywhere. The reason why we would want to keep animals from going anywhere is for our own use like entertainment. Animals don't get a say in the matter, they don't like being in a cage. Would you want to be stuck in a cage? I certainly wouldn't.
The main problem with the cages is that majority all of cages are way to small for that animal. In their natural habitat the animals roam freely and some travel over great distances. An example of this are birds. Birds spend most of their time flying around in the sky. In a small cage birds are unable to do that. To put a bird in a cage is like cutting their wings off. You may as well.
The largest place of caged animals is a zoo. Zoos are for our entertainment. It i cruel to keep an animal locked up in a cage all day and night just so people can watch it and stare at it. Zoos also preserve endangered species of animals and breed them. There are some zoos that have the animals free in a large open plain similar to there natural environment. People are still aloud to see them and animals are not stuck in cramped cages. These zoos are good.
Restless behavior can become apparent when keeping an animal in a cage. Some animals require a lot of exercise and are constantly moving. It is cruel to keep such an animal locked up in a cage.
Some animals are kept in cages and when released into the wild they are unable to hunt for themselves as were unable learn naturally while in the cage.
It is cruel to keep animals in cages, they don't want to be there just as much as you wouldn't want to be in a cage. It is cruel to keep a animal from doing what it would normally do in the wild, as well as this problems can occur when animals are kept in cages. Animals should not be in cages.