Enders Game could be satirical if all the children fighting the war including Ender were babies. The battle-station would be more like a day care centre. It would be full of drama like dirty nappies, hungry babies and babies fighting it off in the battle room over a dummy. The officers would have their hands full and Ender would still destroy the aliens but by being a curious, innocent baby pressing buttons on a toy.
Homer loses his job and gets a new one as a manager of a major plane company. He makes a complete mess of everything and is ignorant of the effect it has on the country’s air travel. He decides to put parts from other planes on one to make a supper plane, in doing so the other planes crash and cause a mass hold up. He gives all the air traffic control people a day off and all the planes end up in the wrong places and the runway turns into a huge traffic jam.
This episode is a parody of Qantas and is exaggerated. A major theme in this episode is failure and is a reflection of Qantas.