Wednesday, August 17, 2011

  1. Describe what is happening in this scene. -The Germans are describing the rules of being in the camp. Guido translates and tells them the rules for his made up game as he did not understand German.
  2. Who are the heroes and villains in this scene? Why are they heroes and villains? -The hero in the scene is Guido, The villains in the scene are the Germans. The Germans are the villains as they are keeping the Jews in prison camps and forcing them to do labor and then killing. Guido is the hero as he is saving his son by resisting the Germans and not showing weakness in front of Joshua.
  3. For the hero/es and villain/s, describe techniques used in this shot which highlight their opposing role and how they connect with the audience. - There is a height difference between the Germans and Guido. When you see the Jews, they are standing around in a bunch. The Germans are standing straight with straight symmetrical windows on either side of them. When Guido stands next to the German He is much smaller than him and seem weak next.

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