Monday, February 7, 2011

2009 Naplan Writing Prompt

CRASH, CRASH, CRASH, the colossal waves pounded against the creaking boat, sea spray flew up and saturated the tiresome sailors. "Keep her steady!" shouted the distant voice of the captain over the howling winds and torrential rain. Ahead a humongous wave rose and headed towards the beaten vessel. "Hold on!!". Alex a young man not yet a seamen clung on for dear life. The thunderous wave slammed against the bow of the ship causing it to rise and tilt precariously. That night the boat and its seamen were knocked around, battered and bruised as they fought the storm. What captain Jack didn't know was that the storm had shifted them so far off course that by morning they could find no bearings and so had to sail until one came across.
Alex woke up one morning from a dream of becoming a sailor and travelling across the seas into the unknown. He’d dreamt of discovering a new land somewhere far away. That dream had long ago left him over the past month of trying to out run a cyclone that was steadily catching up, though as Alex slid out from his hammock and stretched his back for the first time the wind wasn’t blowing and the seas were calm. 

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